The Preserve Lake Dunlap Association is hosting a gathering on Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at the Riverbend Ballroom, 451 River Bend Dr., New Braunfels, Texas 78130 to celebrate the restoration of Lake Dunlap. A quorum of the members of the Board of Directors of Lake Dunlap Water Control and Improvement District (the “District”) may be in attendance. Click for more details.
A SAMPLE BALLOT for MAY 4, 2024 CITY, SCHOOL AND SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT ELECTIONS The portion that shows the candidates for the Lake Dunlap WCID #1 Board of Directors is highlighted on page two. Click to show the ballot.
Notice is hereby given that Lake Dunlap Water Control and Improvement District (the “District”) will hold an election on May 4, 2024, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., at the polling place for each election precinct established by Guadalupe and Comal Counties, Texas (the “Counties”), for the purpose of electing three directors, each of whom will serve a four-year term. Click for more information and polling places and times.
As more time passes between the date the lake was declared officially full on Oct 31, 2023, and now, the work of the WCID is changing as well. We’re moving from our oversight role with the construction to a greater focus on the management of taxpayer funds and payment of the bonds now that the financial parts of our plan are in play. The recent January 16, 2024 meeting was the first in literally years where there was really not much to report on the dam’s progress — because the dam and the lake are back! Click for more information.
This is the news we have all been waiting for!! Anyone on the lake can already see that after the recent rains, Lake Dunlap is finally full! As GBRA’s Press Release notes, ”Lake Dunlap has now reached its full capacity, with a lake level of approximately 12 feet at the dam, and hydroelectric operations are being placed back into service.” CLICK TO SEE FULL NEWSLETTER
The Hydro Canal is Filled! In a major milestone that puts us much closer to generating hydroelectric power and the associated revenues that we can use to help pay for the dam construction, the canal that leads to the powerhouse downstream was refilled last week to bring it up to the same level as the main lake. Related to that important step, the temporary pumps have been removed, along with the noise issues associated with them. Click to see full Newsletter.
Hello Lake Dunlap!! We are up over 4ft and counting. I know that you are all as excited as we are. Your WCID Board met this week to discuss the business of the District and to set this year’s tax rate. The summary of the meeting is below. Click to view.
Good Morning Lake Dunlap, THURSDAY @ 3:00PM we will begin re-filling Lake Dunlap!! It has been a LONG and PAINFUL month since we told you that 7/31 would be the date. GBRA and Zachry are feeling very confident that we're now ready to proceed. Click for FULL DETAILS.
According to Zachry, all of the final crane modifications and testing are scheduled for completion on Tuesday. Assuming those go well, GBRA is ready to bring the gates up!! We will send an update on Tuesday as soon as we know the results of the testing.
Progress continues on the Gate #2 repairs and related retesting of that hinge. Work is also continuing on the modifications to the gantry crane. There is a chance that ALL of this work could be completed this week (end of day tomorrow). Click for more details.
The Zachry team has successfully removed the old parts from the hinge that we believe were causing the issues. The re-installation of the new parts will not happen until Monday. Then we'll resume the final performance tests.
Good morning, Zachary and SteelFab are continuing to work to correct the gate issue. They are going to have replacement parts manufactured in Seguin. Zachry is hoping to have the new parts by next Friday. Then they will re-install and then resume testing. The next construction meeting is scheduled for 8/9. I will update again following that meeting.
Zachry and the engineering teams are focused on the west side hinge at Gate #2. They believe that the hinge pin and or one of the bearings is the source of the vibration during testing. Zachry will need to identify a replacement part(s) and then reinstall them and re-test Gate #2. As soon as we know a potential date and timeline we will share the information with everyone. PHOTO BELOW-CLICK
"Good morning Lake Dunlap, Good news and bad news this morning. According to GBRA, all performance testing was completed over the weekend. Everything passed except for one issue. Zachry and the contractors are working now to correct that problem and will then re-test. If everything goes well, we are probably delayed a few days. If things don't work out smoothly it could take longer. Either way, I'll do my best to keep you updated. The short version of all that is the gates are not coming up today but hopefully very soon. I apologize for starting your week with bad news, but we're still very, very close.
Good morning Lake Dunlap!! We are only days away from the scheduled date to raise the gates. Critical testing is ongoing and will continue around the clock until sometime on Monday. If all tests look good, we are still scheduled to begin raising the gates sometime Monday. If any issues arise, Zachry and all of the construction teams are on standby to make immediate corrections so we can continue. They have been doing an amazing job so far. Keep your fingers crossed that all the rest of the testing goes well!! Your WCID is in daily contact with GBRA and we will keep you updated as we get closer. ...I think I can almost see the lake from here!!
Hello Lake Dunlap!! We are ONE WEEK AWAY from beginning to refill our lake!!! PLEASE finish all of your final waterfront clean-up NOW. If you are desperate and need help, please contact PLDA and they can connect you with a resource. On behalf of your WCID to ALL the neighbors that have helped along the way - THANK YOU for getting us to this point. I'll see you on the lake soon. Doug Harrison President - Lake Dunlap WCID
With the last big item delivered, our Hydraulic Pressure Unit, the construction team has released a NEW 90 outlook. We are expecting to begin RAISING THE GATES on Monday, 7/31.5 ½ weeks from TODAY!!!